Saturday, May 21, 2011

What a Game

Last night I thought I was going to a baseball game with the O's vs the Nationals but left with a football game score of 17 to 5. Two touchdowns and a field goal vs a filed goal and a safety. Great temperature and low humidity, friends all around a great night for baseball. Then the opening pitch and the slide down began. The Nationals had a exceptional game 6 home runs! The O's just demonstrated their pitching problems and lack of offense. However 5 runs with good pitching should win games.

All in all at least it took my sorrows away from the economy, our representatives in power etc, but on looking again our nemesis remains connected to DC, only this time it's the baseball team.

If the Rapture is coming, I am unconcerned that any from Capital Hill or the White House will be with us. If they are, then God really is a mystery!

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