Saturday, December 18, 2010

Thoughts on the "Holidays" and Christmas

It may be my old fashioned perspective, my love of history and tradition, maybe and most probably my faith but I have grown up with Christmas. As a child it was a time for Santa Claus, presents and being off from school. Then later, the presents were not as important and Santa lost his luster but the joy of the season and a few days off were important. Once I had children, Santa reappeared in the eyes and giggles and belly laughs the boys enjoyed as they opened the gifts. That was priceless. Yes, I was truly in the Holiday spirit.

But as I have "matured", I realized that there are only so many things you need or want. Learning about the reason for the holiday and really attempting to understand has changed my mind. As a Christian and a Catholic, the season brings a new joy, a new found perspective.

We are all human with the various strengths and weaknesses. One weakness which seems to be growing is that of lack of appreciation for the blessings we have and a lack of belief in God. In these secular times, it is naive to show or demonstrate faith. Of course, political correctness, thought control, doesn't want to offend any one, except people of Faith in Christ. It is more appropriate to take credit for what "we" have accomplished, of who "we" are.

I can only look around me and see that there is something far greater than I at work here. We are blessed to be in the here and now. These are truly great times in which we live and while the work of humans accomplished much, it is from God's blessings that we have attained what we have and it is appropriate for us to acknowledge this.


These two rules may seem trite in these modern times but they give comfort and guidance to us in these complicated and sophisticated times. Our faith philosophy can be synthesized into these two concepts. Love God and Love one another. What other guidance do we need to develop our relationships with one another?

Personally I have witnessed the power, love and joy of following these principals which have been ingrained in Christian and Catholic Faith.

Christmas is the time for new beginnings. It is the time God so showed His love for us that He became man. Why did He become man other than to show us the way to true happiness and joy? Our salvation starts on Christmas.

So I say to you; "MERRY CHRISTMAS"

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Telling the truth

After sitting on the sideline for quite some time, I at last have something to say. I was impressed by State Senator Jim Roby's candid and honest remark during the campaign that it costs to maintain the level of services we expect from the government and unless we want less services, and a reduced quality of life, he could not promise to cut spending and he could not promise not to raise taxes.Good for him! At last we have a candidate who is not pandering to the public with campaign rhetoric which everyone knows is just that.

Like everyone else I hate Government waste but does anyone honestly believe that it is continued intentionally? This waste is in the eyes of the beholder or by the constituency which does not support that particular program.

How about state construction contracts which require the successful bidder to pay union scale, even it they are a non union shop. The regulations are not this explicit but the net effect is to make State Construction more expensive than it needs to be. The contractors dislike this requirement in that it increases their payroll, the unions support this in that it makes union contractors competitive for State Contracts.

How about unemployment? When someone is unemployed getting a weekly benefit check, now for 99 weeks, is a safety net which helps them survive ( barely) but does this extended benefit encourage them to stay unemployed just a little longer?  If you look to Europe where extended benefits have been reduced. Funny thing, those looking for work seem to find work in less time now. I want to assist those looking for work but don't want to assist them any longer than it takes to find a job, not necessarily the best job but any job.

Pick the area of Government where you see waste. Is it possible that someone else sees it as a necessary, needed and appropriate use of government funds?

I think it is time that everyone change what we expect the government to do. It's time for a Pyridine shift. Individuals and business need to expect less from Government. Government has to stop attempting to please various vocal constituencies and start to examine it's rightful roles.

JFK on his election had a noble statement which sounded good, too bad no one accepted the challenge:

"Ask not what Your Country can do for you, Ask what you can do for Your Country."

It rang true in 1961 and it rings true with a little more urgency in 2010.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Political Season Observations and ramblings (Sorry)

I enjoyed attending the two forums sponsored by the Howard County Chamber of Commerce which gave local races visibility which they seldom get. The Councilmatic races were exceptional in that we saw both contenders for all but one race. It was quite beneficial, for me, to listen to the County Executive discussions and to actually listen to each candidate. The following forum for the Annapolis races (Delegate and Senate) were also exceptionally informative.  The forums did allow for cheap attacks on occasion, but also allowed almost every candidate make the customary promise not to raise taxes, to cut wasteful spending, etc. etc. etc.  It was refreshing to hear Senator Robey take the stand that if you want to maintain the quality of life we enjoy in Howard County, it cost money. Good for you Senator.

Historically I have considered my self to be conservative but that has changed. I have moved to the middle. I still question the ability of government to be efficient  and believe that the economy is best if there is a true free market with only basic regulatory oversight. But government has a basic role which only government can fill, specifically in the area of public safety, transportation, assistance to the needy and education. Attention to these areas have a direct impact on our quality of life.

We are truly blessed to be living here now. Howard County has an exceptionally good standard of living and quality of life. Maryland is "The Land of Pleasant Living". All this costs. It is paid for by taxes.I do not like to pay taxes any more or less than my neighbor, but the quality of life we enjoy in Howard County costs and I am willing to pay for it to continue.

We are fortunate to have quality Howard County candidates which we do.

With the various attack "advertisements" on the airways, I am disappointed that our potential governor, has no ideas or issues which he intends to pursue or initiate if elected. The only discourse being presented is how bad the other candidate was/is as governor. How the other candidate: increased taxes more then this candidate or increased spending , etc. etc. etc.  But what do you intend to do, Governor?

My plea is that there be more "civility" in the exchange.  The Candidates should candidly state what they intend to do in the the way of legislation if elected. Have open debates and cease hostile campaigns.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Letter to Senator Mikulski on American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010

Please Join Senator Olympia Snowe and Senator Mike Enzi to support their amendment to strike the provision of American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010 which selectively assesses self employment taxes on profits within S Corporations which are identified as a "Disqualified Corporation" where the principal asset of such business is the reputation and skill of 3 or fewer employees." (Sec. 413)

S Corporations are currently required to pay a reasonable compensation to all officer-shareholders who provide services to the corporation. This compensation is subject to all Federal Employment Taxes.  (Revenue Ruling 73-361)

Please work to protect Small Businesses and remove Section 413 in it's entirety from American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010

This one section will overburden already overburdened small businesses in Maryland.

Please keep in mind Winston Churchill's statement:

"Some see Private Enterprise as a predatory target to be shot. Others as a cow to be milked. But few are those who see it as it is, the sturdy horse pulling the wagon."

Which are you?

Thank you for considering this request for action.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Clarksville Funeral Home some observations

There is currently ongoing hearings for conditional use variance for a Funeral Home on a lot zoned for residential use. The location is on 3.5 acres along MD Route 108. The lot is situated between  A Lutheran Church to the south and to the north, the residence for the priests at St Louis Catholic Church. 

There are numerous considerations in opposition to granting the zoning variance.

One  issue, as I see it, is not that a funeral home is potentially to be built in the lot but rather the SIZE and SCOPE of the facility. The neighboring residences range from 2,000 + sq ft to 6,000 + sq ft. The funeral HOME will be 23,000+ sq ft.

I have difficulty in imagining a structure, no matter how well landscaped, being compatible with the residences in the vicinity, as required by the County regulations. 

The concept of a Funeral Home in the regulations is archaic and has not been modernized for current operations. Funeral Homes no longer have the funeral director living upstairs with the viewing in the front parlor, as was the practice when the zoning regulations were drafted. 

The proposed operation will have 3 viewing rooms, a memorial chapel to seat 150+, a social gathering hall for receptions with kitchen facilities and a hearse museum. 

The parking on the plans is for approximately 65 cars. At first look, parking is inadequate and the overflow will most likely park along Route 108, and in both church parking lots. 

The next consideration is traffic.  The traffic along Route 108 is also a problem, the fact that the church WHICH IS CURRENTLY THERE adds to the traffic in not the issue, the issue is the ADDITIONAL strain this operation will ADD to the traffic on Route 108. 

Furthermore, safety is in question with turning lanes, and the lanes to merge in to ongoing traffic as well as to slow down to turn into the  facility. There are no plans with State Roads to make any improvements in this regard.

Does Clarksville need a Funeral Home? 


Is this the best location? 

Definitely not. 

As to development of the 3.5 acre lot in question,  a home for the elderly may be a more appropriate use, one which will not disrupt the peaceful atmosphere of the residential community nor significantly contribute to the congestion, traffic or safety along Route 108.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Thoughts on Immigration

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

Sound familiar? 

It is high time that we control our borders and review the process for aliens to enter our country LEGALLY. We are a country of immigrants. We were taught that is what made us strong. And it DID.

However in the time of celebrating DIVERSITY and of Press ONE for English, the current wave of immigrants are not blending into our society but rather want the benefits with the option to remain  separate. The trouble with the current immigration is that they come and stay separate. They do not learn our customs. They do not learn our language. They don't appear to have the dream to become "Americans" as our forefathers did.

We need immigrants and we can certainly appreciate and honor their society and diversity but first, they need to obey our laws just as we do and then they need to embrace OUR Society  just as we do and Our Language  just as we do with the goal to become not separate but rather one of US.

If immigrants expect the benefits of our society, then join it and help strengthen it. We were proud to be called The Melting Pot. Now we need to find a way to strengthen our society by having a system which is fair to those who want to join us and become one of us with the goal of making Our Society Stronger.

There are no easy answers or easy fixes. The frustration is that we are expecting politicians to solve this extremely complex dilemma. We need statesmen who we can call upon to serve the Country's best interest and forget the party and forget being reelected. They are the only one's who can possibly accomplish this.