Friday, May 28, 2010

Clarksville Funeral Home some observations

There is currently ongoing hearings for conditional use variance for a Funeral Home on a lot zoned for residential use. The location is on 3.5 acres along MD Route 108. The lot is situated between  A Lutheran Church to the south and to the north, the residence for the priests at St Louis Catholic Church. 

There are numerous considerations in opposition to granting the zoning variance.

One  issue, as I see it, is not that a funeral home is potentially to be built in the lot but rather the SIZE and SCOPE of the facility. The neighboring residences range from 2,000 + sq ft to 6,000 + sq ft. The funeral HOME will be 23,000+ sq ft.

I have difficulty in imagining a structure, no matter how well landscaped, being compatible with the residences in the vicinity, as required by the County regulations. 

The concept of a Funeral Home in the regulations is archaic and has not been modernized for current operations. Funeral Homes no longer have the funeral director living upstairs with the viewing in the front parlor, as was the practice when the zoning regulations were drafted. 

The proposed operation will have 3 viewing rooms, a memorial chapel to seat 150+, a social gathering hall for receptions with kitchen facilities and a hearse museum. 

The parking on the plans is for approximately 65 cars. At first look, parking is inadequate and the overflow will most likely park along Route 108, and in both church parking lots. 

The next consideration is traffic.  The traffic along Route 108 is also a problem, the fact that the church WHICH IS CURRENTLY THERE adds to the traffic in not the issue, the issue is the ADDITIONAL strain this operation will ADD to the traffic on Route 108. 

Furthermore, safety is in question with turning lanes, and the lanes to merge in to ongoing traffic as well as to slow down to turn into the  facility. There are no plans with State Roads to make any improvements in this regard.

Does Clarksville need a Funeral Home? 


Is this the best location? 

Definitely not. 

As to development of the 3.5 acre lot in question,  a home for the elderly may be a more appropriate use, one which will not disrupt the peaceful atmosphere of the residential community nor significantly contribute to the congestion, traffic or safety along Route 108.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Thoughts on Immigration

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

Sound familiar? 

It is high time that we control our borders and review the process for aliens to enter our country LEGALLY. We are a country of immigrants. We were taught that is what made us strong. And it DID.

However in the time of celebrating DIVERSITY and of Press ONE for English, the current wave of immigrants are not blending into our society but rather want the benefits with the option to remain  separate. The trouble with the current immigration is that they come and stay separate. They do not learn our customs. They do not learn our language. They don't appear to have the dream to become "Americans" as our forefathers did.

We need immigrants and we can certainly appreciate and honor their society and diversity but first, they need to obey our laws just as we do and then they need to embrace OUR Society  just as we do and Our Language  just as we do with the goal to become not separate but rather one of US.

If immigrants expect the benefits of our society, then join it and help strengthen it. We were proud to be called The Melting Pot. Now we need to find a way to strengthen our society by having a system which is fair to those who want to join us and become one of us with the goal of making Our Society Stronger.

There are no easy answers or easy fixes. The frustration is that we are expecting politicians to solve this extremely complex dilemma. We need statesmen who we can call upon to serve the Country's best interest and forget the party and forget being reelected. They are the only one's who can possibly accomplish this.