Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Remembrance Day

This weekend will be the 141st anniversary of Lincoln Gettysburg Address. In Gettysburg, the town will host numerous "living historians" and reenactors who will gather to in their own way to honor the men who fought in the bloody insurrection known as the American Civil War. There will be a grand parade with the Union Forces in front followed by the Confederates. As you watch the various units and organizations march past you will see a wide spectrum of study in the uniforms and 'elan of the troops. Some will be dressed in their finest dress uniform, some will present the image of hard fought men. Some will look like they just stepped out of a cheap costume store, they are called FARBS. Some will look as if they just stepped out of a Brady photograph. But most if not all, love history and they are trying to preserve it accurately so that it isn't re-written or sanitized. If you are in the area and you also love history, come to Gettysburg and watch the parade.

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