Saturday, August 08, 2009

"Town Hall" Meetings... Right

My Congressman Elijah Cummings (D,MD) has hosted call in High Tech "Town Hall" Meetings to inform constituents on the Government(Democrat's)proposed Health Care Legislation. I applaud the concept but question the medium.

At a face to face Town Hall Meeting, there is public discourse and free access. Opposing views are physically present and can be heard without going through a staff member who can "screen" calls and can "terminate" any "objectionable" calls.

While the concept seems efficient and increases access, it also, for a skeptic as I am, gives a subtle and silent ability to the host (Congressman Cummings and his staffers)to control discourse and influence public opinion by selectivity in which caller are given "air time".

I do not trust the transparency of any politician, especially on highly inflammatory issues such as this.

With the Obama White House asking for the NAMES of critics of the Health Care Legislation, I am reminded of President Nixon's Enemies list. Does anyone else see the similarity? But don't expect it to get the air time Nixon's list did.

Change is here, like it or not! Just please don't believe them when they say it has popular support.

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