Sunday, April 14, 2019

Daily Thoughts 4/14/19

In the letter to the Philippians we read about how Jesus, as the Eternal Word, was equal to God and yet didn’t desire to hold onto that position, choosing instead to draw near to us as one of us. The great Jesuit theologian Karl Rahner said as much when he talked about how awe-inspiring it is to consider that when God wanted to be something other than God, God became human. How glorious and profound a truth- God voluntarily surrenders control, power, and the like in order to show us how awesome it is to be human. Whereas we strive so hard not to be human, it is that identity and reality that God most wanted to experience. And he did so out of love for us.  Daniel P Horan OFM, Daybreaks: Daily Reflections for Lent and Easter, Passion (Palm) Sunday

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